It's All Happening

12. Dissolving the Insatiable Desire for More

December 05, 2023 Molly Rasanen Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode I get real, raw and vulnerable about the activations and integrations I've been experiencing since landing in Costa Rica.

I open up a conversation about not only the light and expansive side of living within your vision board life but about the depths of inner darkness you have to be willing to traverse to really let yourself get there.

I speak to the mental and emotional difficulties of the spiritual healing journey and the importance of finding mentors and healers that can help guide you in a grounded step by step way.

I created this episode with the intention of bringing a greater sense of awareness to the truth and the magnitude of truly devoting your mind, body, and spirit to walking the healing path of growth and evolution.

If you are looking to dive deeper into your mental, physical, emotional, & spiritual healing journey as you walk the path of coming into alignment with your dharma I currently have 3 spaces available for my 7 Month 1:1 Energy Healing Mentorship where I will walk you through the grounded process of healing your energy from Root to Crown.

Where you won't just be activated into the awareness of new levels of consciousness but you will be given the teachings, tools, and grounded support to become the embodiment of them.

If you loved this episode and you haven't already be sure to subscribe, rate, leave a review and share it with your magical friends.

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