It's All Happening

28. Money Can't Buy You Happiness with Jenn Kennedy

August 20, 2024 Molly Rasanen

On this week's episode of the “It’s All Happening Podcast” I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with the incredible Jenna Kennedy. Jenna was my first coach in the personal development space and I have watched in awe as she has walked a path of true devotion to transformation and absolute truth. Jenna is a teacher and guide for awakened leaders who truly emanates what it means to continuously grow and evolve along the awakening path as a deeply embodied leader. 

Together we discuss the role of money in personal growth and the coaching industry.  Jenna shares her personal journey with money, from using it as an escape from pain to realizing that it doesn't bring true happiness. She speaks to her personal experience of waking up to the confusing reality of the matrix that exists within the coaching industry (a space that preaches escaping the matrix) and the healing path she’s been initiated through to return to and teach the truth of happiness, fulfillment and sovereignty beyond the confines of money. Throughout the conversation, she emphasizes the importance of inner fulfillment and self-love as the foundation for a healthy relationship with life, business and money. 

We go deep on the illusions and distortions that exist within the coaching industry and the call for the leaders in this space to lead with truth and authenticity. We discuss the importance of open and honest conversations about the taboo topics of money and sexuality as pillars of our lives as human beings. And we explore the shame and conditioning around these topics and how it perpetuates unhealthy patterns. 

We dive into our personal relationships to spirituality and healing, and the role of faith in navigating life's challenges. Jen shares her own journey of restoring her faith and the impact it has had on her life and her ability to continuously shed the layers of self that were no longer serving her truth and happiness. 

Together we land on the need for a holistic approach to healing and the integration of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Jenna shares a sneak peak into the vision that is taking shape for the future of her work as an awakened leader, which is moving in the direction of helping people live a new definition of wealth rooted in finding true happiness.

Find Jenna Kennedy on instagram @thejennkennedy to stay connected to the magic her ever evolving work in this world.


  • Money is often seen as a solution to our problems, but it can't bring true happiness and fulfillment.
  • Our attachment to money is rooted in our childhood experiences and conditioning.
  • The coaching industry can perpetuate illusions and distortions, and it's important to find authenticity and self-discovery within it.
  • Inner fulfillment and self-love are essential for a healthy relationship with money.
  • Shame around money and financial struggles should be eliminated through open and honest conversations. Open and honest conversations about money and sexuality are important to break the shame and conditioning around these topics.
  • Faith in a higher power can provide strength and guidance during difficult times.
  • True happiness comes from understanding and integrating all aspects of ourselves.

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