It's All Happening

30. The Costa Rica Codes with Lauren Taibi

September 12, 2024 Molly Rasanen

On this episode of “It’s All Happening” I drop into a long awaited conversation with my dear friend and absolute soul sister Lauren. Lauren is a women’s mentor and somatic healing guide and lucky for me, one of my closest friends. When the message dropped in a little more than a month ago that I was going to be taking a soul guided extended stay down in Costa Rica, Lauren lovingly invited me to stay in her home. We ended up traversing what felt like a month-long psychedelic journey without any plant medicine.

In this powerful episode, Lauren and I explore themes of integration, darkness, and the sacred bond of sisterhood. We dive deep into our journeys of self-discovery and healing, and talk about how embracing both the light and dark within ourselves has been essential for true transformation.

We reflect on the fear and repression that often arise with the awakening of the divine feminine, and share our personal experiences of reclaiming and honoring this ancient power. Together, we highlight the healing magic that happens when women come together in deep, sacred sisterhood, and how those relationships can be such powerful medicine.

We also share personal stories of nightmares and dreams that were a reflection of the inner fears that were being alchemized. We explore the concept of energetic exchange and how our individualized and shared experiences can affect each other on a deep level. Through it all, we emphasize the importance of trust, a strong connection to  God, and how surrendering to the flow of life can bring healing, abundance, and lifelong transformation.

We have been saying since the day we met that we needed to start recording our conversations and I am so excited to finally be bringing you the experience of these codes today.

I don’t know about ya’ll but I think we need to start a whole show…

Key Takeaways:

  • Reclaiming the power of the divine feminine is an essential part of spiritual growth.
  • Sacred sisterhood has the power to heal and transform.
  • Fear and repression are natural parts of the journey to self-discovery and awakening.
  • Integrating light and dark energies is crucial for personal and collective growth.
  • Nightmares and dreams can mirror our inner fears and unresolved emotions.
  • Energetic exchange between people can deeply influence our experiences.
  • Developing a strong connection with God brings trust, abundance, and healing.
  • Learning to surrender to life’s flow is a key part of the healing journey.

You can find the details for Embodied, here

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